The Chobots Forum has been updated a lot recently. First, a new theme was put on it. It's white and blue, plus it looks really simple and user friendly. To be honest, I really like this theme better compared to the other themes.
There has been some plugins added to the forum too! There are two major ones, Status Updates and the Like button. Status Updates is where you can post what you want and everyone will see it. This is mostly used to communicate to others and say what your doing at the moment. The status updates are located at the bottom of the front page of the forum.
The Like button is used for liking someones post! To like someones post, you can just click "Like" at the bottom of their post, and then automatically your name will show up at the bottom of the post and it will say that you liked it. If you want to unlike the post, simply click "unlike."
I really like the new forum updates, now we are able to communicate by status updates and like posts, how cool is that? What do you think about the new forum updates? Leave your thoughts by commenting below.