Today is the day, lots of trick or treats will be out for candy - you better make sure you have some for them! The Chobots Team has posted some very interesting facts on the Chobots Blog, and I thought I'd might share them with you guys.
Wow, I never knew Halloween was so awesome! It's so cool to hear about how Halloween originated, don't you think? Anyways, have a fun Halloween - and stay safe.
- Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween about 2000 years ago
- The first Jack O'Lanterns were actually made from turnips
- Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween
- The owl is a popular Halloween image. In Medieval Europe, owls were thought to be witches
- Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial in advertising
- Some towns in the U.S. have Halloween theme names, for example: Frankenstein, Mo.; Scary, W.Va.; Spook City, Colo., Candy Town, Ohio
- Many people mistakenly believe that Valentine's Day is the national holiday with the most candy sales, though statistics reveal that more than twice as many chocolates are sold for Halloween than Valentine's day
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