The Game Night is over and the winners have finally been announced! The scoreboards were open for two hours and many Chobots had been online playing their games until it was over. It was hard, like always, but the winners had proven themselves. Let's see who won:
- Asteroids: Pamaj
- Choboard: Godlight
- Mechanical Crab: Bigboii
- Pinball: Sweetz
- Robo Factory: Peppeyanse24
- Space Racer: Grace
- Garbage Collector: Elmoswag
- Tug 'O War: Fangirl9091
- Coins Rain: Kerem
- Palm Painting: Towie
- Checkers: Adventurous
- Chess: Lukeym2001 and Smack
- Sliders: Mollyful
- Chobots Racer: Feryat
- Sweet Battle: Twirl
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